If you’d like to add your pet to our memorial page, please send one photo and a brief write-up to info@pgspca.org, separately from your donation (minimum $25). We reserve the right to make minor edits to the text you provide.
In memory of sweet Rusty, who was so loved and is greatly missed. Rusty was adopted from PGSPCA in November 2020 and brought endless joy in the four years I had with him. Rusty was the sweetest soul who would never hurt a fly. His greatest joys were being near the ones he loved, going for walks, and eating his favorite treats. He was my Velcro dog and was never far from my side. I am so thankful to PGSPCA for bringing my best buddy into my life. Although I only had four years with him, he will have a piece of my heart forever.
Maximus Sirius Sandy
Maxy was the sweetest derp of a pup. His auntie (my sister) and I were able to deduce that he preferred to communicate on different scales of “WOW!”
Cuddles? WOW
Sprinklers? zero wow
Surprise visit to the treat store? MAXIMUM WOW!
Maxy was a social butterfly. If there was a friend to be made, Max was there. Whether they wanted to be friends or not, Maxy would not rest until he said hello to every passing dog. More than once did I have to pick up him up in the middle of a crosswalk because “No, he can’t say hi to the dachshund that has clearly communicated they don’t like big dogs.”
Maxy was a cuddle bug. I am 99.95% convinced that had Maxy ever been presented with the choice between cuddles or walks, he would have internally combust.
Maxy was so so loved. I cannot put into words how much I loved Max. I cannot put into words just how grateful I am that we were brought together by Britt, his AMAZING foster mom, and everyone else at the PGSPCA.
In memory of our sweet Lulu, (2007-2024), who was deeply loved and will be dearly missed. We adopted Lulu and her sister, Gracie, from the PGSPCA when they were just young pups. Sadly, we lost our Gracie at age 12, and Lulu lived five more happy and healthy years until age 17. Lulu was a sweet, gentle, sensitive girl who just loved being with her people. Loving her was so easy and losing her is so hard, but we are so thankful for the long, happy, and healthy life she lived. We will miss her on every walk in the park we take and every trip to the beach, but we will carry those memories with us forever. I know Gracie will be waiting for her and they will be happy to be together again. We will love and miss our two sweet girls always.
In memory of our sweet little boy Ziggy who brought so much JOY to our family.
Ziggy came into our lives at 8wks old in April 2021. We fell in love with him the moment we saw his irresistible little face.
He was our Happiness, Comfort, Companion, Emotional Support, and Sweetheart. Ziggy was loved by everyone he came in contact with. No one entered our home until they were “sniffed out” by Ziggy first.
He loved all of us in his own loving way. One of us got lots of chill and paw time, one of us got wakeup licks, the other got playtime. Then it was our time to “extra care” for him after being diagnosed with cancer (Oct. 2023). You are no longer ill or in pain (Dec. 2023).
In doggie heaven, you can continue to run and play (and sniff out everyone) as you please.
Thank You Ziggy for great days. Although you are no longer by our side, you will forever be in our hearts. YOU were a better human. Life was sweeter with you in it! We will miss you dearly.
In memory of our Stevie. Thank you Foster Faith and team taking care of our boy until we came and adopted that handsome gray face.
September 6, 2016, we adopted Daphne from the PGSPCA, despite all of her medical needs, as she was such a sweet girl that we fell in love with immediately. Daphne became our “medical miracle,” being on several daily medications, but always going the extra mile. She loved going on walks with her companion, Sadie, having 24 hour outdoor access through the doggie door, and snuggling up in the big bed between the pillows, every night. Unfortunately, after surviving a dangerous operation in July, she was diagnosed with cancer and lost her battle, three days shy of our six years together, on September 3, 2022. She is no longer in pain and is free to run and play in doggie heaven. Daphne has left a hole in our hearts, but some beautiful memories and pictures that we will cherish forever.
From the moment I saw his handsome face, I knew my heart would be forever changed. Underneath his shy demeanor was the most genuine, loving dog anybody could ask for. In every action he did you felt such love and admiration unlike any other. He was adored by all he came in contact with and a mutual love was certainly shown in return. He was playful and always ready to go but would enjoy just laying on the couch if you just wanted to chill. No matter what kind of day I was having, he always had a way to make me smile. We have been through so much together and I will always cherish those precious moments. He will surely be missed and always hold a special place in my heart. When it comes to man’s best friend he truly held up his end of the bargain!
In memory of our wonderful, wise, ever-loving and loyal Denton, who graced our lives 2014-2019. His kind and patient demeanor, his love of chasing bubbles (and squirrels!), tearing up stuffed animal toys and the tail that never stopped wagging, will be memories we will keep with us always. Thank you for the time you spent with us, Denton; you made your human family’s lives so much better for the opportunity to know you and love you!
In memory of our best friend Bosley, who gave us 14 wonderful years. Thank you for coming into our lives and blessing us with unconditional love and joy. Your spirit lives on in our smiles and laughter. Our love for you endures for eternity.
Sleep well Gracie (2007? – 2019). After losing a dog we dearly loved, we decided to adopt another. While searching on Petfinder, I found two young sisters being fostered by the SPCA/HS. We were not looking for two dogs, but I knew I could talk my husband into it. When the time came for us to meet them, I picked up one dog (Gracie); my husband the other (Lulu), and we never put them down. They came to live with us shortly after that. As empty nesters, we had a quiet home and they fit in perfectly. They then adjusted beautifully after our three grandchildren were born.
Gracie was the sweetest girl with a gentle and loving spirit. Her heart was big and so was her appetite – she was a voracious eater. And she always wanted and usually got a taste of whatever we were eating. She loved her people dearly and always wanted to be close and right smack in the middle of things. She was a quiet girl until someone appeared at the door. She had a big bark and liked using it when being the protector of the house.
We live near a big park and she enjoyed her daily walks (with Lulu), until her later years, when arthritis set in. As she got older, she was content to lounge around the house and spent her evenings lying next to our bed. Every single night. We will miss her big presence in our life. We will really miss her traveling to the beach with us. She loved going to Rehoboth, where she could lie on our porch and people watch all day. When she was younger and able, she loved walking downtown and getting pets from everyone she met. We are heartbroken and Lulu is lost without her sidekick, but we are grateful for her long, happy, and very spoiled life. Forever in our hearts sweet girl – you were loved deeply and will be missed dearly. This is my favorite picture of them; Gracie is on the right.
RIP Rosie 2006? – 2019. While we were looking at shelters to adopt a dog, we happened to find Rosie on Craigslist. We don’t know her history but it was clear that she had not been well cared for. She was a little over a year old, with fleas, heartworm, and anxiety. She was extremely dog- and stranger-reactive. Nobody would have recommended we take her at the time with kids ages 12, 10, and 7 who had never had dogs. But we did, and it was the best decision we ever made as a family. For Rosie, we dove headfirst into the learning curve. Through all the obedience training, the tense encounters with neighbor pets, the escape arts of her youth, Rosie taught us more about patience, consistency, and perseverance than any dog ever could. And in return, she was our anchor and constant companion. She was a furry shoulder to cry on through the rocky adolescence of all three kids. She was everyone’s running, walking, and hiking buddy 365 days a year. In her golden years she was Dad’s faithful companion when he transitioned to 100% telework. She loved being outside with us–she didn’t care whether we were gardening in the summer or shoveling snow in the winter. A close second was lounging with us in the TV room, preferably after a long run in the park. While it took some time for people to gain her trust, once she liked you she LOVED you, and you loved her back with all your heart. There will never be another dog like Rosie, but we are happy knowing that wherever she is, she is exploring in endless fields and woods, chasing deer to her heart’s content, running as fast and as free as she did 10 years ago.
Phoenix, 2005-2019. They say you get the dog you need, and that certainly was true of Phoenix. Shortly after we adopted her, she became dog reactive, and that started my journey towards learning a whole lot more about dogs. Phoenix and I worked with several trainers, as well as a TTouch practitioner. I took classes in dog training and became certified in TTouch just so I could continue working with her. Over the 12 years I had her, she went from reacting to any dog she could see, smell or hear, to being able to go nose-to-nose through the fence with the neighbor dog. In hindsight, I realize she was better behaved than any dog I tried to introduce her to. She was cute, sweet, a bit aloof, opinionated, and very different from any other dog I’ve had. The hole she left is felt very differently, too. Because she never greeted me in the morning, and rarely at the door, I don’t miss her that way. I do miss our walks together; our TTouch sessions together; her soft presence in the library while she snoozed on her favorite chair; her constant watchfulness as we drove back and forth between homes in Bowie, MD and Levels, WV; her “curly-cute” tail that jauntily bounced up and down as she trotted, and that she learned to wag gently after only 2 years of work; and her skepticism of nearly everything I set before her to eat (except KFC). I hope to be able to help other dogs with all that I have learned from her.
Princess Tigerlily (Lily)
Passing on 11/3/18, Lily was a supreme cuddler. Also known as Meatloaf, Lilybug, Snugglebug, and Pest, she loved her family and was loved by them, most especially by her mom Amanda. She loved to wrestle with her sisters Cricket (cat) and Lexi (dog), if only to enjoy the nap afterward even more. Her chosen bed was between the heads of her humans, and her loud, contented purring would put even the most troubled insomniac right to sleep. Amanda need only walk into her bedroom and Lily would jump onto the bed and begin urgently reminding her that it was time to snuggle and take a nap, regardless of time of day. Lily’s short time on this earth was filled with so much love and affection, and she will be dearly missed.
RIP Winston, 1996 – 2012. Peacemaker, confidante, a true gentleman among dogs. The best foster dog ever, with impeccable conduct (except for the occasional wanderlust of his youth). Like a wise older brother, he helped countless other foster canines (and a few felines) flourish in the Terry home. There wasn’t a food he didn’t like, no being he couldn’t befriend, no game he would not gleefully join. He responded to aggression with confidence, to offenses with aplomb, and to weakness with patience. He was a devoted and generous friend, continually rescuing we who sought to rescue him. Regal to the end, his noble presence will always fill our home and hearts. (Photo by Pam Townsend)
RIP Max, 1995 – 2012. If one can have a canine soulmate, this lovely greyhound girl was mine. I have loved many dogs, but she was the dog of my heart. 17 years of pure devotion. I adored her. I will miss her exotic coat and her napkin-folded ears, her soulful brown eyes and those gentle licks. The ticka-tick-tick of her claws as she trotted happily to greet me. The way she always leaned in, just needing to be a little closer. These last few years, I’ve especially missed watching her run — she almost flew. So it helps me now to know she’s running again, lithe and graceful and finally free. (Photo by Pam Townsend)