Success Stories
“This is Maggie (adopted 10/9). We (Tucker, Maggie and I) love to snuggle. She is thriving thanks to the great start she received at PGSPCA.”
– Penny Wiser
“Our boy Steve (also known as Shadow) is celebrating his Gotcha Day today. 3 years. He is the best pup, besides hogging up the whole bed.”
– The Webb Family
“I adopted Teddy at the end of July from PGSPCA. In a couple of short months, we’ve attached to each other like nothing else. He loves to aroo when we’re playing with toys, and he really enjoyed hanging out on the dock at the Bay. He’s the best little beagle I could ever want.”
– Mary Catherine Price
“I first met Angus at the Bowie adoption show in February. I was very drawn to him because he was so calm— oblivious to all the chaos around him. When his foster brought him to the house to see how he responded to our cats, he was curious. He went upstairs to the master bedroom and walked past my oldest cat. Then he saw Davey, our second cat, under the bed. Angus sniffed him. But Davey hissed at him. Angus simply cried and ran to his foster. I knew at that moment he was the dog for my family.
My wife, who has allergies and isn’t an animal person, couldn’t help but fall in love with Angus too. Angus sheds minimally, but he fits right into our family because he is sensitive, affectionate, chill, and a little needy. We are all a little needy in our house. We go for family walks and enjoy seeing Angus happy. His personality was perfect for our household. In the end, that was what mattered most.”
— The Seejattan-Santiago Family
“Our loving journey with Diesel began when our family suffered the unexpected and devastating loss of our rottweiler Lily. Her absence hung high in the air, especially for our 13 year old Australian Shepherd, Ozzy, who was missing his sidekick. To find even an ounce of emotional relief we began to search the internet for different dog adoption agencies. It didn’t take any time at all until we were fortunate enough to stumble across Diesel. Our hearts were instantly stolen by this adorable rottweiler-German Shepherd-mix heart throb.
In the one year that we have made Diesel our own, he has been on more trips than probably the average person. He loves car rides, going to the beach and especially camping where he loves to jump into the water and obediently return every stick that David throws to him. It would take a stranger one glance to realize the hold that Diesel has on our hearts and anyone who is lucky enough to cross paths with him.
He has brought our family so much joy, given Ozzy a sidekick, and brought tears to our eyes from laughing so much. We wouldn’t trade him for the world and are blessed to call him our own. Not only did Diesel allow our family into his own heart, but he patched up ours and made them beat with love as they once did before with Lily.”
— The Godwin Family
Explains foster volunteer, Sarah J. W. , “Jenna was an emaciated 1-year-old rotti that I fostered about five years ago. She was about 30 pounds when I got her—skin and bones, no muscle tone—and she had kennel cough which ended up turning to pneumonia within a day of getting her. She is now a beautiful girl!!! Her owners are a retired couple who take her everywhere they go. The husband is a former professor from Gallaudet, who has taught her hand commands because they are both deaf. They send me the best pictures—from the beach, and from B&Bs. Jenna is a very happy dog!”
Little Fred
A few hours before my wife deployed to Afghanistan we had to have our sweet old man Fred put to sleep because of the bleeding tumors he had inside of him. He was a twelve and a half year old Argentinian Dogo rescued from upstate New York that we had the pleasure of knowing for almost two years. He was stoic and had an amazing love of life all the way up until the end.
November fourth was a very hard day for us but at least I still had our 11 year old Maggie, a rescue from Texas, to keep me company. My wife was now away from both of us. It wasn’t very long before I started getting e-mails from Afghanistan listing dogs ready to be rescued in Maryland and all up and down the east coast.
One listing in particular caught our eyes and hearts. He was a deaf little white Dogo name Fred, just like our Fredo! I couldn’t wait to meet him and I was able to do just that a very short time later at one of the Prince George’s County SPCA adoption events. I was immediately smitten and couldn’t wait to send pictures back to my wife. Before we had even talked, the pictures were printed and hung around her office space. Fred had been adopted and he didn’t even know it yet.
In reality the process took a bit longer; several months in our case actually. Little Fred, as we began calling him, had developed some form of separation anxiety where he thoroughly does not enjoy being left home alone, or in the other room. He is very attached to people and extremely attached to the people that he loves the most. It is an endearing quality, but it does present some challenges since both of us work and we haven’t been able to pass Maggie off as a human. He’s not easily fooled.
So most days he gets to hang out at a wonderful doggie day care in College Park called All Dogs Club. He loves it there and most days our not quite two year old comes home exhausted. He is getting better with his crate training especially when we place it so he can see us leave through the front door and when he sees his sister has to stay too. Now the little man is a permanent fixture in our lives and we couldn’t be happier.
— Fred’s Family