In Memoriam
If you’d like to donate in honor of or in memory of a beloved person or pet, we need the name of the pet or person you’re honoring. If you want us to notify someone of your donation, we’ll need their name and mailing address too. (We will not specify a donation amount.) How you give us this information depends on how you donate (see below).
If you’d like to add your pet to our memorial page, In Memory of Beloved Friends, please send one photo and a brief write-up to pgspcavol@gmail.com, separately from your donation (minimum $25). We reserve the right to make minor edits to the text you provide.
If donating online, you’ll first type the donation amount and under that will be a box that says “Add special instructions to the seller”. In that box, please enter the honorarium/memorial details. (Alternatively, you can always notify us via email if you are making the donation online.)
If donating by mail, please include the honorarium/memorial details in a note included with your check.
You can donate online via credit card or PayPal, or send a check or money order to:
SPCA/Humane Society of Prince George’s County
P.O. Box 925
Bowie MD 20718