HEAL Medical Fund
We rescue adoptable shelter animals who are at greatest risk for euthanasia due to age, illness, or injury. These pets usually need expensive medical care; we foster them in our homes and get them the treatment they need, then after they’ve recovered, we find their forever homes.
To help us save more of these at-risk pets, please consider donating to our HEAL program (Helping Every Animal with Love). You can donate online via credit card or PayPal, or send a check or money order to:
SPCA/Humane Society of Prince George’s County
P.O. Box 925
Bowie MD 20718
Make sure we know that your donation is intended for HEAL. If donating online, enter “HEAL” under “Add special instructions to the seller” or email us at pgspcavol@gmail.com after making the donation online. If donating by mail, please write “HEAL” in the memo portion of your check.
The HEAL Medical Fund was launched with a grant from Lil BUB’s Big Fund for the ASPCA and generously supplemented with a bequest from the estate of Helen Forehand.