Hi, I'm Winston. I’m adopted!
Domestic Short Hair | Young | Male | Medium

About Me
Winston was adopted November 2023!
I am incredibly cuddly and love giving humans face boops and rubs to greet them. I want nothing more than to sleep on your lap during TV time. I also love my food and I love playing with toys and I get the evening zoomies.
Hobbies: Face boops for the humans. SNACKS! All the love, all the time. Play time.
Favorite Toy: I like it when someone plays with me with a feather on a stick that looks like it is flying through the air. My second favorite is my toy pickle that crinkles and has catnip in it.
Favorite Napping Spot: My foster’s lap while we are binge-watching Netflix or Hulu. I’ll settle for a soft blanket on the couch as a backup.
I came to the PGSPCA from a managed colony after the caretaker realized I was far too friendly to be a feral cat and loved the company of people and wanted to find a home of my own.
My dream family will have lots of time to spend with me as I love attention and I love cuddles. I would probably be fine with some other cat siblings but I will still want lots of love and playtime.
Winston is a very healthy FIV+ young cat. FIV+ cats can live long and healthy lives and can also be adopted into households with both FIV+ and non-FIV+ cats. Please read the following article for more information and reach out if you have additional questions: https://www.humanesociety.org/news/fiv-positive-cats
My Profile
- Good with kids: never met kids, but will probably like older kids.
- Good with dogs: haven’t met dogs yet.
- Good with other cats: yes
- Activity level: playful but snuggly.
Meet Me
If you are interested in Winston. I’m adopted!, consider letting us know by filling out a (no-obligation) adoption application. Please consult our Adoption FAQ before contacting us.
Please check the adoption-show-attendees page to see if Winston. I’m adopted! will be attending the next adoption show.
NOTE: We are an all volunteer group and do not operate a shelter. All of our animals are in foster homes. We are unable to place our animals outside of the Baltimore/DC area.