Hi, I'm Wicket. I’m adopted!
Poodle Shih Tzu | Young | Male | Small
About Me
Wicket was adopted March 2016!
Wicket is a spunky, fun loving boy! He has a great personality and loves to spend time with you and play with his toys. He loves to go outside for walks. He gets along great with other dogs.
My Profile
- Age: 1 1/2 years old
- Weight: 13 pounds
- Good with kids: I’m good with kids.
- Good with dogs: I’m good with other dogs.
- Good with cats: I don’t know if I’m good with cats yet.
- Fenced yard: Tall Fenced (6 foot) yard preferred
- Suitable for townhouse and/or apartment: I could live in a townhouse or apartment, as long as I get enough exercise
- House trained: I am mostly house trained.
- Crate trained: I am already crate trained.
- Barks when left alone: I do not usually bark when left alone.
- Chews inappropriate items: I do not usually chew inappropriate items.
- Training: I walk great on a leash, but I have no formal training.
- Activity level: My activity level is medium-high.
- Special needs: null
- null
Meet Me
If you are interested in Wicket. I’m adopted!, consider letting us know by filling out a (no-obligation) adoption application. Please consult our Adoption FAQ before contacting us.
Please check the adoption-show-attendees page to see if Wicket. I’m adopted! will be attending the next adoption show.
NOTE: We are an all volunteer group and do not operate a shelter. All of our animals are in foster homes. We are unable to place our animals outside of the Baltimore/DC area.