Hi, We're Murphy & Goose. We’re adopted!
Domestic Short Hair | Baby | Male | Small

About Us
Murphy and Goose were adopted April 2021!
I may look a little goofy because of my cross-eyes, but it’s part of my charm. I can see just fine. I am friendly and love to play. I’m especially addicted to the ball chaser and I like to carry gift bows in my mouth. My brother and I are constantly chasing and wrestling, and we love to climb. I don’t like to be picked up, but I enjoy sitting on a lap and being scratched. I am super vocal, especially when it’s time to eat (which is almost always!). Yup, I love food most of all.
Our foster mom says: Murphy needed surgery on his eyes to correct a congenital problem that made it difficult for him to blink. He mostly kept his eyes closed before, but the surgery was successful and he’s doing well enough that he and Goose can now be placed in an adoptive home.
I am a little smaller and leaner than Murphy, and not vocal at all. I can meow (which I’ve done twice when I got trapped in the bathroom), but I usually don’t. But I have a really loud purr when I’m happy. I am also very playful and affectionate. I like to sleep on my foster mom’s lap and I really enjoy the big cats. I wrestle and chase with Murphy whenever I’m not snoozing or eating, and I love sitting up high to watch everything. I really enjoy being petted and scratched, but I still think human fingers are playthings. I need to work on that.
Hobbies: playing with toys, running, jumping
Favorite Toy: both of us like balls and ball chasers, string toys, and crinkly things
Favorite Napping Spot: Murphy loves to lie right next to his person, while Goose prefers to lie ON a person! We both like the round cat bed because it’s all cozy.
We were found wandering outside, sick and without our mother. PGSPCA took us in and nursed us back to health.
We are so ready for our new home! We’d love space to run and play, and can get along with other cats and even dogs. No young children though. We need our new family to be patient and loving. Are you the right home for us?
Our Profiles
- Good with kids: good with kids over 8 years old.
- Good with dogs: Yes
- Good with other cats: yes
- Suitable for townhouse and/or apartment: Yes
- Activity level: active and enjoy interactive play
Meet Us
If you are interested in Murphy & Goose. We’re adopted!, consider letting us know by filling out a (no-obligation) adoption application. Please consult our Adoption FAQ before contacting us.
Please check the adoption-show-attendees page to see if Murphy & Goose. We’re adopted! will be attending the next adoption show.
NOTE: We are an all volunteer group and do not operate a shelter. All of our animals are in foster homes. We are unable to place our animals outside of the Baltimore/DC area.