Hi, I'm Raeven. I’m adopted!
Rottweiler Mix | Adult | Female | Large
About Me
Raeven was adopted January 2020!
I am an extremely sweet girl and would be an amazing addition to any home. Being even tempered and calm allows me to make great first impressions with new human and animal friends. I currently live with two dog foster siblings and we all get along great, however I would also be fine as the only pet in your home. I love to go on long walks to explore the neighborhood, so an active family would be ideal. My foster mom also thinks I have amazing doggy manners, I guess it’s because I do not pull on the leash, beg for food, or get on the furniture. It is also probably because I am fully house trained, and I do not chew or get into anything I am not supposed to. I sound pretty great, right?
My Profile
- Age: 5 years
- Weight: 80 lbs
- Good with kids: Yes
- Good with dogs: Yes
- Good with cats: Unsure
- Fenced yard: Not required.
- Suitable for townhouse and/or apartment: OK for townhouse or apartment, as long as I get enough exercise
- House trained: Yes.
- Crate trained: Yes.
- Barks when left alone: Yes, if crated
- Chews inappropriate items: No
- Training: I know the basic commands: Sit. Stay. Come.
- Activity level: Loves a good, long walk!
- Special needs: null
- null
Meet Me
If you are interested in Raeven. I’m adopted!, consider letting us know by filling out a (no-obligation) adoption application. Please consult our Adoption FAQ before contacting us.
Please check the adoption-show-attendees page to see if Raeven. I’m adopted! will be attending the next adoption show.
NOTE: We are an all volunteer group and do not operate a shelter. All of our animals are in foster homes. We are unable to place our animals outside of the Baltimore/DC area.