Hi, I'm Cheshire. I’m adopted!
Domestic Short Hair | Baby | Male | Large

About Me
Cheshire was adopted August 2023!
I have an adventurous, independent streak and I’m a bit feisty about it. But I also will come to lie next to you and purr or take a cat nap on you once I decide I like you. I’ll decide when and where I want to snuggle with you but I’m adorable when I do!
Like my siblings, I’m a little scared of new people and new places but I have a big personality once I’m comfortable! I’m a bit of an older brother in that I will affectionately lick the other kittens that I’m hanging out with. I’m pretty energetic like most kittens my age, and love all kinds of toys and treats!
Favorite toy: A cube that I can hide in and pounce on other unsuspecting kitties. Even better if there’s a bell toy hanging down from its ceiling!
Favorite hobby: Climbing. Basically anything…cat trees…chairs…couches…your pant leg…
Favorite napping spot: A soft blanket on a couch, but I also like chairs or pretty much anywhere I can make a kitty pile with my kitty friends. I’ll sleep on your bed at night if you let me, but I’ll give you space.
I came to the PGSPCA with my mom and siblings when my mom decided that the stray life was no fun and we should all be pampered house cats!
I would enjoy being adopted with my brother Gaston, and/or sister Nani, but I also get along with other cats! My dream family would have more cats than just me and would play with me lots and give me lots of treats while I’m getting used to you.
My Profile
- Good with kids: don't know, yet.
- Good with dogs: maybe, if the dog doesn't want to give chase.
- Good with other cats: love my siblings!
- Suitable for townhouse and/or apartment: Yes
- Activity level: very active and need lots of interactive play!
Meet Me
If you are interested in Cheshire. I’m adopted!, consider letting us know by filling out a (no-obligation) adoption application. Please consult our Adoption FAQ before contacting us.
Please check the adoption-show-attendees page to see if Cheshire. I’m adopted! will be attending the next adoption show.
NOTE: We are an all volunteer group and do not operate a shelter. All of our animals are in foster homes. We are unable to place our animals outside of the Baltimore/DC area.